Talking To My Zelph

My quest for freedom from the LDS religion.

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Richard Packham at the 2005 Ex-Mormon Conference

I often sit for hours at a time isolated in a remote corner of the building in which I work. Since much of my time is spent at a computer, I am able to listen to radio stations or other audio files of interest that I'm able to locate on the internet. Podcasts have become my favorite things to listen to, especially when they deal with Mormonism (usually of the anti-moism or post-moism flavor), and one of the best I've found is at website.

Although the managers of the site, Mike Norton and Hyrum Moriancumur haven't posted any new podcasts for several months, I enjoy replaying them. Each time I hear them, I either pick up on something I missed before or at the very least, it helps me to strengthen my resolve in my stand against Mormonism.

The first few poscasts are okay, but it isn't until they interview Bob McCue that they really get good.

Just this morning, I was listening to Part 2 of their interview with Richard Packham again and I finally took Mike's advice and went to the website to listen to the after dinner speech Packham gave at the 2005 conference.

I can sum it up in one word: powerful.

He does such a good job of putting into words (either written or spoken) the sentiments that I have with regards to the mormon church and its effects on people. It also helps to know that I'm not alone in this journey. It is comforting to know that there are others out there like me who have felt the heartache that comes with the realization that the church simply is not true. That we have been lied to. That we now must make the difficult decision of living a lie in order to conform with family and social expectations or be true to ourselves and take a stand.

This journey isn't easy, but I expect that it will be worth it.

I offer my gratitude to Mike and Hyrum for their website and their podcasts, as well as to men of incredible integrity such as Richard Packham, Bob McCue and Tal Bachman who have blazed the trail of recovery before me.

I walk their path, and I hope others will follow me into the light of truth and knowlege.

And of freedom.


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