Talking To My Zelph

My quest for freedom from the LDS religion.

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Location: OA, Offworld

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Adverse Advertising

While driving north on I-15 yesterday, I saw a billboard advertising an upcoming Mormon propaganda film entitled "Return With Honor".

I immediately remembered the story a read a few weeks ago about the billboard that had been taken down up in Idaho because the property owner on which the billboard was located (a Mormon, of course) was offended at the thought of sponsoring (even indirectly so) an ex-Mormon website.

And yet it's okay to flaunt pro-Mormon rubbish all over the place.

I can't even walk into Wal-Mart without running into the LDS book display at the front of the store or the LDS music/movie display at the back of the store.

As a Mormon, all this stuff had been invisible to me, but now that I'm looking at things around me with a completely different world-view - I'm borderline nauseous with the innundation of Mormon materials. It's inescapable.

Maybe that's why I'm compelled to push back just a little bit.

I'm unaware of the current status of the "More Good Foundation" and I'm curious to know how well their defensive positions are holding up against the barrage of all the websites and blogs devoted to exposing the truth about Mormonism. The internet has proven to be a powerful medium indeed, and while TSCC may scurry back into the darkness with its lies and deceit, they cannot extinguish the ever-growing number of torches being lit by the angry villagers of FormerMormonVille (ironically, the More Good Foundation utilizes a torch as part of its logo). Some of us are wielding pitchforks too.

How long until the castle walls come crumbling down and the monster is finally revealed? Time will tell.

Which pro-Mormon advocate was it that made the comment "let [anti-mormons] have their own little corner of cyberspace"? I've done a search, and the closest I could come to was an article by William J. Hamblin on the FAIR website.

Whoever it was has delusions of granduer, I'm sure. Those proponents of the More Good Foundation (and Mormonism in general) are fooling themselves if they think their efforts can effectively silence those of us who speak out against the absurd claims of Joseph Smith and his pet pit-bull Brigham Young.

We're here, we're persistent, and we're doing much more than simply "kicking against the pricks."

What's truly sad is that religious fanatics (not just Mormons, but those of other religious faiths as well) actually BELIEVE that we agnostics, athiests, apostates, non-members, anti-mormons, or what-have-you, are the tools of a mythical creature called SATAN! And that there's this invisible cosmic battle between God, Jesus, angels and Lucifer and his unholy hordes. It's preposturous!

When are we, as the human race, going to wake up, abandon the silly myths of religions and strive to make the world a better place? IMO, religions do just as much harm to humanity than good and it's high time we took responsibility for ourselves, instead of leaving our fates to an invisible God and blaming an invisible Satan for all the bad stuff in the world?

I'd like to see that question up on a billboard one day.


Blogger Travis Whitney said...

Well said. Believing that God will take care of things is like believing that I'll become rich. The human race will be better when humans make it better, just like I'll get rich when I work hard and make it happen.


9:46 AM  
Blogger Interested said...

I have read your site for a while without posting and am shocked at what you have to deal with from the mormons.
I started a blog recently and I would enjoy seeing your comments on my postings.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Interested said...

Sorry I forgot the link

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Samuel the Utahnite and I just wanted you and everyone reading this, to know that "The Church Is Not True" podcast, is back up and running, both on a blog and on iTunes.

People can either go directly to the blog and listen to each episode there, on the individual players, or go to iTunes and download each episode. I've also included the MP3 links on the blog, if you just want to download each episode and listen to it on any audio player of your choosing.

Please spread the good word wherever you can, as I'm excited to have this great ex-Mormon body of work back on the Internet, in order to help a lot more people. It was the least I could do, to say thanks for what they did for me.

Mike and Hyrum did an excellent job and this podcast should never be off the Internet again. I'm just honored to be able to help out, since these guys were probably the 2 people that influenced, helped and inspired me the most, when I first discovered that Mormonism was a fraud. They helped me to feel normal and to be able to laugh again, while educating me at the same time. I will forever feel indebted to them.

Mike and Hyrum also inspired me to start podcasting, since I didn't even know what a podcast was, until I discovered "The Church Is Not True." Thanks again guys!!

Take care everyone and enjoy,


Here is the link to the blog:

The Church Is Not True-Blog

Here is the link to subscribe through iTunes:

The Church Is Not True-iTunes

8:36 AM  
Blogger Al Jordan said...

Thanks Samuel for going to all that hard work to salvage those podcasts. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to them as I conducted the research that ultimately led me out of the "church" and was truly saddened to see it fade away.

Have you had any contact with Mike and/or Hyrum? I'm just wondering how they're doing and what they're up to now. I'm assuming that they, like many ex-mormons, were able to finally put mormonism behind them and move on with their lives.

I'm probably getting closer to that phase, but I still conduct occasional research. Nowadays I'm not as angry at having been lied to my entire life and instead I'm nursing an almost morbid cursiosity about the "church" and its history.

I just can't believe that people (including myself, once) actually buy into all of the nonsense.

I'll go back and listen to all their podcasts again.

7:48 PM  

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