Talking To My Zelph

My quest for freedom from the LDS religion.

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Location: OA, Offworld

Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Primary Persuasion

On Monday of last week, a flyer appeared at our front door. It was an invitation to our ward's primary activity which took place yesterday. The flyer was addressed to my oldest child, but the primary leaders must have remembered later that we had another child old enough to be in the primary (but hasn't been going because I've made every effort to keep my family home instead of attending church) because another flyer addressed to him arrived on Tuesday.

Then a member of the primary presidency called on Wednesday and left a message reminding us of the event.

On Thursday, a different member (I don't know if she's part of the primary, or just a "concerned" parent of another primary-aged kid) called to ask if she could come pick up my two oldest children and give them a ride to the activity. (Thanks to the miracle of caller ID, I recognized the number, assumed it was church-related, and let the machine answer it.)

On Friday night, the "concerned parent" called again, leaving another message, asking to give the kids a ride to the activity.

On SATURDAY MORNING, shortly before the event took place, the same lady called AGAIN to ask if the kids were coming to the activity at the ward house.

GOOD GRIEF! These well-intentioned TBMs just don't give up, do they?

I suppose the matter would have dropped had I answered one of the calls and politely declined the offer, or flat out said that the kids would not be attending. I didn't think that a daily effort would be made to get my kids "activated" for a single primary activity for 6 straight days!

Anyway...its just one of those odd little post-mormon situations I find myself in from time to time.


Blogger Psycho said...

"Get'em while they're young." that's the same internal slogan that the cigarette company uses.

I think way too many of the stepford Mormon's are uninformed that it isn't a sin to be inactive. I know that they belive the 90% of the world being non mormon will burn for not being "in the know" but come on. Invasion of privacy much? Take the hint and walk away.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a lot of effort just for one activity. But they know that people who are brainwashed in their youth have a much harder time leaving. Just remember, if you're not a Mormon in good standing, you're no longer an adequate parent. Just ask LDS Family Services.

6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Al, this is my new profile so you can access my new blog address through here. Thanks

1:06 PM  

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